Hello Again

First I should apologize since I haven’t posted anything here for a long time. My original intention was to use this space to publish follow up stories to my book, “101 Ways I Have Tried To Make Money or Things I Learned After It Was Too Late.”

I originally wrote the book to amuse myself by recalling work related instances that brought a smile to my heart. The book follows the ups and downs of my failures and successes to ultimately achieve financial freedom. I was encouraged to publish the book by my writing class because they enjoyed reading the book and because they thought it might inspire other people to spread their wings and try

The problem I immediately encountered is that when I started on the follow up stories I found myself recalling thing that did not make me smile so I didn’t want to write them much less pass them on to you.

Also, since I retired I have spent most of my time quilting and recently turned to fiber art and an old love for painting. Once upon a time three galleries carried my paintings and I did about five art shows a year.

For these reasons I plan to repurpose this site to include quilting, fiber art and painting.  My book is still  on-line and available where ever books are sold and I’m still writing so I’ll throw in some of that too.  In fact I’ll start by posting chapters from my book so you’ll get a flavor of it plus some of my recent art.

My latest fiber art piece, pictured below, was included in the Brave Girl Club” daily newsletter for the Forth of July and is currently on display at Ginger Cove in Annapolis, Maryland.

I hope you will come and enjoy visiting with me.

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